General Information
Arkansas weather in October can be unpredictable. The average high temperature for race weekend is mid-70's and the average low is in the low 50's, but wide variances can occur. It has rained; it has hailed. Don't be without a hat and emergency poncho or garbage bag.
Expect darkness to come at 6:30-7:00 pm and dawn around 6:30-6:45 am. Flashlights are essential during the nighttime; a flashlight at the start is optional-some runners carry one, others do not. Those anticipating a 28-30 hour pace should either place a flashlight in a drop-bag at Club Flamingo or be prepared by already carrying a light.
There is a "nice" shower building in the Lake Sylvia campground that can be used.
By Forest Service regulation, no dogs are allowed on the grounds at Camp Ouachita or in the Lake Sylvia Day Area.
Race Website:
Runner progress updates will be posted on the website during the race.
Race director contact:
Stacey Shaver or 501-590-5196
Course Overview
The format of the course is a 17-mile figure-eight loop followed by an 83-mile out-and-back through the Ouachita Mountains. Eight miles of the course--approximately mile 9 through 17 are on the Ouachita National Recreation Trail. There are a total of two miles of pavement on Highway 324, with the remainder of the mileage on forest roads and jeep trails of greatly varying quality. Total cumulative climb is about 12,000 feet. The Ouachita Trail is permanently marked with blue blazes. The remaining 92 miles will be marked with blue and white striped ribbon, chalk paint or flour arrows (at turns), occasional signs, and glow sticks (at night). See Official Course Description for detailed course directions.
All runners must wear assigned race numbers. It is the runner's responsibility to ensure his/her race number is recorded at all aid stations.
At no time may a runner ride in or on a vehicle of any kind. Violators will be disqualified. If you get off the prescribed course, you must return on foot to the point at which you left it.
Do not litter on the course. Violators will be subject to disqualification.
Runner's crews cannot be on the race course. Runners receiving aid from crews outside the designated crew access points are subject to disqualification. (See Aid Station chart for designated crew spots.)
Crews must abide by the instructions of aid station personnel.
Runners are responsible for their crews!!! This includes crew/family at the finish line.
Any runner receiving an IV during the race (before they finish) will be disqualified.
Hiking poles may not be used at the beginning of the race. However, you may use them starting from the Lake Sylvia aid station (Mile 16.4) and beyond.
Runners can have a pacer beginning at the Powerline Aid Station (out-bound).
Pacers may only begin at a Crew Spot.
Runners 60 years and older may have a pacer from the start.
You can have only one pacer at a time running with you, except for the last two miles of the race,
where anyone may join you. Your crew must not block or impede traffic! This was an issue last year.
If you have friends or family crossing the finish line with you, make certain that the timer gets your bib number.
I really love seeing families surrounding their runner at the finish but this is increasingly becoming a big issue.
Please just make sure your bib is recorded and that your family/friends are not impeding the finish of your fellow competitors.
No bicycle or motorized pacing.
Pacers and vehicle/pacer shuttle services are not provided by the race.
Our shuttles are there to only pick up runners who have to drop out and their pacer at that time.
Pacers do not need to register or sign in anywhere.
Cut-off Times
Each runner is allowed to set his or her own pace as long as he or she is OUT of each aid station by the posted cut-off time. These cut-offs are strictly enforced. See Aid Station chart for cut-off times.
Each aid station beginning with Lake Winona outbound has a "Red Zone" time. This is informational, so that you are aware if you are behind the pace kept by the majority of runners who officially finish.
Dropping Out
If you must drop out of the race, make sure you report to the captain at the nearest aid station-who will cut off your wrist band. Failure to do this may result in search and rescue, which could be at runner's expense.
Drop shuttles go to most aid stations, but not Pigtrail. Be aware that if you drop out of the race here you will probably be there until the aid station breaks down and the volunteers return to race headquarters.
If you do drop, the best places to drop are ETower, Winona, Powerline, Copperhead or Turnaround aid stations.
Know that dropping at any other location may mean a long wait time for you.
Medical personnel, the race director, and aid station captains have the right to pull a runner if they feel the runner may be a danger to himself/herself.
All runners must abide by the directions of the medical personnel and aid station captains.
Should you need medical attention, know that we will have paramedics stationed at the start/finish.
All sub-24 hour finishers receive special enameled buckles. Sub-30 hour finishers earn bronze buckles.
Custom plaques are awarded to the first female and male, runners-up, and overall and master finishers. These will be presented at the runner and volunteer picnic held later in October, or mailed.
Drop Bags
While we do not have a rule limiting the size of drop bags, PLEASE BE REASONABLE! If you cannot easily carry all your drop bags at once by yourself, they are probably not of reasonable size.
Drop bags can be left at the start/finish area on Friday, or Saturday morning before the start. They should be waterproof. See Aid Station chart for drop bag locations.
Clearly label each drop bag with your NAME, RACE NUMBER, and AID STATION.
Drop bags will be returned to race headquarters as soon as aid station captains are able.
They do their best to have them back by noon on Sunday.
Keep in mind that you can have your crew pick up drop bags from the crewable locations.
Please pick them up, as they will not be mailed back to you. Items left behind will be donated to charity.